
Looking Good or Getting the Job Done?

I am not too sure about Donald Trump. Something about his values and mine don’t quite fit. But then I admire his ability to say it as he sees it, which is something politicians simply to do not do anymore.

This is why when there was an assassination attempt on his life, I was not surprised but, at the same time, not too bothered. And that, in many ways, surprised me because I would be the first to stand up to those who believe people do not have the right to publicise their views no matter how much anyone disagrees with them.

America will set up a Government Congressional Hearing if a senator’s dog falls ill so this assignation attempt was going to be one gigantic hearing. What I was not expecting was brutal honesty from those on the committee.

There is a feeling that there is a cover-up. But the biggest one was wokeism, in particular the hiring of the head of the secret service (a woman) and also the hiring of bodyguards (also women), some significantly shorter than Sir Trump. It’s called diversity, equity, and inclusion, apparently.

And it is taking over the world. And it is showing us that it can be dangerous.

So, here is a question that as a practice owner if you answer publicly could get you cancelled. Do you try to look good by being seen as diverse and equal and include everyone? Or do you get the best people for the job that needs to be done even if you are not diverse, equal and inclusive?

And for many, that is a no-brainer. Humans want to be loved, and they want praise. Praise means acceptance. Acceptance means importance. Importance means we become instantly stupid. It’s as stupid as putting adaptive air suspension on a car that weighs more than the moon (because it does not work). But people will pay a crap load of money to have it just so they can tell their friends to feel important.

I know where I stand. As for looking good, I will always say stuff that. As for getting the job done? I will say hell yes. Always. And I do not give too hoots what anybody has to say in this matter.

Now I know there will be some who will be asking that my head be put on a spike but hear me out.

About 5 years ago, we were looking for a team member. The ratio of my team at the time consisted of 80% women and 20% male. And that prompted me to tell Ros, my business partner, that we needed to employ a man as I was feeling less, well manly. She quietly closed the door and told me that ‘you can’t say that.’

That’s because if there was a whiff of sexism there would be much wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Red Army brigade in Government who would ensure I am locked in chains, put in a stock and pelted with rotten veggies.

But of course, Ros was right – sexism is against the law but let me put this into perspective. If the ratio is already significantly positive, how can it be an issue?

This then means we are no longer expected to employ the best. We need to be seen to be in the diversity space. In Trump’s case, that was more important than lightening reactions, and he was lucky it did not get him killed. Prospective security employees were probably asked if they were vegan, too. And then pronouns were probably checked to ensure they had enough ‘they or thems.’ And before any of you get too excited the last two are my idea of a joke.

But here’s why the ability to do the job is more important than keeping others happy or making you feel important.

And because this is not seen to be correct, I will get cancelled too assuming I can evade the spike and the stock in the first instance.

At MediSuccess we have a mission. And that mission is to educate medical professionals to work smarter, not harder so they can earn more and build wealth. This means we are in the business of changing lives.

To do that we need a talented team. A team that can do the job. And that means I need to employ the best team, otherwise we are saying the mission is secondary. And I am not sure my medical professionals clients would feel valued if they thought the service we are giving them or our commitment to change their lives is secondary to diversity, equality and inclusivity.

And this is where I think the world has gone bonkers. Yes, we must all strive for equality, diversity and inclusivity but it should never come at the expense of the core mission.

And that is why 5 years ago or even today, if an alien with green skin, purple eyes, three arms and no sex organ in sight turned up for interview and gave us the impression ‘they’ were the best for the job, I would take them on in a heartbeat.

And if you are wondering why western world Governments or even other businesses are a mess, then maybe it is because most have lost focus on their mission and made it secondary to look good.

And if you still disagree with me, I will leave you with this thought. Imagine you are having a heart attack and are taken to hospital to be treated, But the cardiologist got the job because they met equality and inclusion criteria, not because they were the best at keeping you alive. And because of that there is a higher risk you will die or do indeed die. Are you (or your family) really going to be happy knowing there was someone better? Now if that is the case for you as a medical professional what do you think the reaction of your patients is going to be?

Many will tell you the Government would never put you at risk. But they did with Trump, and he is an ex-president. What makes you believe it will not happen to you?

So, before you get too involved in the hype of what looks right in your medical practice, do not forget your mission because I finally leave you with this thought. If you feel unhappy about being put second, then so will your patients.

If your business values are right, the business will do what is right. You don’t need ratios, statistics and other people telling you what to do. It will just happen.

Never forget what your core mission is. You did not get into the medical business to be diverse, equal or inclusive. You got into business to serve patients. Make sure you do that. And in the process, if you have diversity, equality, and become inclusive, all the better.

Delivery of your core mission is step 3 of our 9 steps to work less, earn more and creating outstanding wealth. If you would like more information, please contact Ros at ros@wowadvisors.com.au or Hitesh at hitesh@medisuccess.com.au or call 07 3161 9548.

Hitesh Mohanlal ACA, CA, Author. Lover of cars, his Team & Family, and Passionate About Making a Difference in People’s Financial Lives.

Hitesh Mohanlal is the majority owner of the WOW! Accountants and Business Advisors Group which consists of WOW! Accountants, MediSuccess & CrystalClear bookkeeping.

He is the author of Double Your Profits & Reduce Your Working Hours for Medical Practitioners and The Passport to Wealth & Real Financial Freedom for Medical Professionals, and written two guides for medical professionals; Blueprint for a Wildly Successful Medical Practice for Medical Professionals and The Ultimate Guide for Medical Professionals Who Want to Pay Less Tax!