Is Your View of Money Real?
Perception is strange. The truth can be sitting in front of people, and they totally miss it. In the UK I was once debating the
Negative Gearing is Crap….. And its Not Only Me that Says So
I have always been concerned about negative gearing. I believe it is a bad wealth strategy. To then make it tax beneficial gives the false
Smelly Sweat & Tears Rarely Make a Medical Practice Successful.
Advance warning – if you are a practice owner, I am going to burst your ego. You see most practice owners will say they built
Content & Happy? Or are you Kidding Yourself?
How do you know if you are content and happy? Many of us may say we are. Some of us think we are. Many of
Great Practice Operator but Lousy Practice Owner?
I hate saying this because it makes me sound pompous, but practice owners struggle and do not reach optimum for one main reason. They are
125 Years and Still Going Strong!
We have a client called AJ Parkes Pty Ltd. And in December 2021 they celebrated 125 years in existence. This is an amazing feat. But