What is the Taxman Looking at?
As you would expect we like to know what is of interest to the taxman especially when it comes to medical professionals. Every year the
They Didn’t Clean My Car!
From previous posts, I have said that successful businesses have one aim in common. And that is to have Raving Fans. As a medical practice,
Mindset Determines Where We Go
We all know this. Yet it is easy to forget. And ….. if you are not particularly motivated mindset can do exactly the opposite. But
FBT and Electric Vehicles – Makes Me a Bit Sad….
As many of you know I am a bit of a car nut. There are more cars than driving licence holders in my household. And
Where Have All the Workers Gone?
It’s an interesting question. And it’s a question I get asked by most of my clients who desperately need team members to ensure their businesses
The ATO Do Not Like Trusts…….
When I first arrived in Australia I could not believe such an entity could exist with the flexibility to reduce taxes. I was fascinated and