Start Planning because Interest Rates Are Up… And Will Keep Going Up.
When interest rates started to go up most of my clients were not concerned. Now? I’m not so sure. But within months panic may start
Investment property …. Not All As It Seems …..
Every 2 weeks or so it is not unusual for us to get a call from a client asking if investment property is a good
Surprise, Surprise the ATO wants More Taxes from Your Family Trust
Well, they do. And they don’t. Here’s the issue. Accountants for years have been taking the micky out of the ATO and not surprisingly the
It’s Credit Card Madness!
Did you know that there are 13M credit cards issued in Australia, with the average credit card balance being $3,000? There’s more. Apparently, we spend
What do you want to become or be? What do you Want?
It’s a question every teenager gets asked. In fact, you asked it too. And you probably spent many hours labouring away working out the answer.
I Know Your 3 Wants (Even if You Don’t Know)
I have always been fascinated by what drives us and what as human beings we want. And because of that, I have to spend a