PSI ….. The Screws are Turning on Bucket Companies…..
A recent change will not only increase fees but tell the ATO if a medical professional is not paying the right amount of taxes. I
A recent change will not only increase fees but tell the ATO if a medical professional is not paying the right amount of taxes. I
Alarming news! I think the economy is a bit stuffed. You may think so, too. But you are not convinced because house prices are at
I have known about this for years—more than a decade, in fact—and I am sure I am not the only one. There are probably thousands
Few people can afford to buy a property alone. If you are a couple, the chances are you will buy together. If you are not
Well, well, well. Queensland has become the first state to abolish payroll tax for medical practices. Cue the confetti and champagne. Or maybe not—because, frankly,
This is according to the ATO. Now, I don’t always believe the ATO, and I know that many tax returns relating to landlords are completed
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Hitesh started the business in 2011. He is a UK and Australian qualified Chartered Accountant, Business Coach and Mentor. Author of three books including Blueprint to Wealth and Real Financial Freedom for Medical Professionals and Double Your Profits and Halve Your Working Hours for Medical Practitioners.
Lover of English cars and a soccer nut. Married with two teenage boys, a puppy, a parrot and a fish.
Unusual fact: Hitesh had the opportunity to retire aged 40 but started WOW! Advisors & Business Accountants as a hobby to keep him busy. It quickly become a business. He loves his work and works because he wants to, not because he must.